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2015 Annual Report

Reaching Lives

Restoring Hope

Redeeming Communities


An incredible year in review; an even better one to come.

Letter from the President

2015 has in many ways been an incredible year for 2ndSaturday and I’ve never been more excited about our future. As a volunteer movement, we’ve never been more organized or mobilized more high-capacity world-changers from across Dallas than we have this year. What began with nine people at the first 2ndSaturday almost six years ago has exploded into a movement in which folks are actively using and deploying their time, skills, and resources.


On the volunteer platform side, we scaled back our monthly event in order to focus on leader recruitment/development and on optimizing the experience of our homeowners and volunteers. By God’s grace, we’ve doubled our volunteer leadership and individual donations, and are poised to scale our impact through our monthly events dramatically this coming year. I’m constantly encouraged by stories of how Jesus is moving the hearts of volunteers to dive deeper into impacting the inner city, stories:


-Of leaders starting play days/Bible studies for kids in neighborhoods we serve,

-Of a volunteer moved to spend every Saturday serving seniors in need,

-Of volunteers engaging homeowners with the gospel,

-Of skilled construction and real estate professionals leveraging their time, talents and treasure strategically to make a difference for the glory of God across Dallas,

-And now of folks in Ennis being moved to start their own 2ndSaturday in Ellis County!


2S Industries, our social business model, focused on collaboration and development in 2015. We scaled back our operations to capitalize on various development and growth opportunities including the GroundFloor Accelerator, an intense social enterprise Fellowship program with the United Way. We're preparing to move forward with our new 2S Homes initiative which will provide discipleship, income and training to at-risk men from West and South Dallas, even while 2S Lawn Care continues to provide quality services to other community pillars like Habitat For Humanity, ACT and Voice of Hope. I’ve loved doing life with, and celebrating the personal milestones of men so eager for a 2nd chance. I’m thankful for partners like Watermark Community Church and the United Way and other friends, foundations and industry leaders who’ve contributed wisdom and resources to help scale our social businesses effectively as we move into a new year of growth.


As great as 2015 was, I’m looking forward to what I believe will be a banner year for 2ndSaturday as God continues to present us with increasing opportunities to make a difference for Him across Dallas’ neighborhoods in need. Like in the story of the feeding of the 5,000 in John 6, He has taken the little that we brought to the table, our small offering of 5 loaves and 2 fish, our desire to make a difference in Dallas, and done abundantly more than we could have hoped or asked for this year, and I know He’s just getting started!


Finally, I want to personally thank you for supporting our work to Reach Lives, Restore Hope and Redeem Community in Dallas through your prayers, presence and financial support in 2015!  



Todd Fields


2ndSaturday Community Development Corporation

Todd Fields, president of 2ndSaturday

From the Board of Directors

My name is James Armstrong III and I am the Pastor/Servant Leader at The Community Fellowship Church located in the heart of West Dallas. I also have the privilege of serving on the board of 2ndSaturday. My path crossed with Todd and 2ndSaturday when my grandparents, who have served the West Dallas community for over 20 years in ministry, were one of the first recipients of 2ndSaturday’s home repair services. Since then, 2ndSaturday has become a pillar in the community.


With over 20 non-profit ministries serving the West Dallas neighborhood, 2ndSaturday is one of the only para-church organizations that focuses on reaching the often underserved demographic of senior citizens. With more than 50% of the West Dallas population living in poverty, their house is often not only their most treasured asset, but also the only thing that keeps them from homelessness. 2ndSaturday's presence in West Dallas remains vital, as the needs are great!


The relationships they establish through engaging the community is a key component to effective neighborhood transformation. With God's help, and as new social enterprise ventures are developed through 2S Industries, 2ndSaturday is positioned to become a power player in decreasing poverty and helping create a true sense of community in West Dallas. Now is the perfect time to partner with an organization that is making a huge impact in the underserved neighborhoods God has called us to. I’m honored to bring my expertise in economic development and city government engagement to the table as we aim to Reach- Restore- Redeem! The best days of 2ndSaturday are ahead!


In Him,


Pastor James Armstrong III

Community Fellowship Church-Dallas


Ahommed's Taxes

2S Industries' first employee took further steps in being a contributing member of society and paid income tax--for the first time ever!

2S Trails Fundraiser 

"2S Trails" was our most successful grassroots fundraiser ever; 10 folks raised over $16,000 towards the needed home repairs of deserving seniors in the inner city!

Our Best #NTGD Ever

2ndSaturday had it's best North Texas Giving Day ever, more than doubling last year's funds raised at over $30,000 to serve folks from the inner city!

The UW GroundFloor 

This year, 2ndSaturday's 2S Industries won the prestigious GroundFloor Fellowship for socially conscious start-ups  through the United Way of Dallas, which has helped us prepare to scale our operation and grow our impact.

Doubled Leadership

In 2015, we doubled our base of key leaders who are using their time, talent and treasure for God's glory in Dallas' neighborhoods in need. We are constantly blown away by them!

Homeboy Industries

In April, our staff had the privilege to learn from Father Greg of Homeboy Industries in inner city Los Angeles, a pioneer on the front lines of using business to transform the lives of former felons, drug-dealers and gang members.

Volunteer Leaders of the Year

Danielle Jones

Danielle has been a huge part of refining 2ndSaturday’s event day processes in 2015 and is providing key leadership as we move into serving seniors in Fair Park through our new partnership with the Mill City Neighborhood Association.


She’s a rock star with the great folks at Credera and an organizational ninja; we love her heart to glorify God and bless seniors in some of Dallas’ roughest neighborhoods.


You rock, Danielle!

Andy Thompson

Andy has been an essential part of 2ndSaturday’s work from our earliest days serving a few homeowners in West Dallas. This year he launched the most successful leader-led fundraiser we’ve ever had: a week-long Colorado endurance adventure that raised over $16,000 for needed home repairs for senior citizens in Dallas’ inner city! God has used his background as a risk analyst at Bank of America and as a former mountain man from CO to bless ‘the least of these’ in his own backyard through 2ndSaturday in a major way.

Stories of Transformation

It’s been a great year of firsts for our friend and employee Ahommed. He’s been working and serving faithfully since the beginning of 2S Industries 4 years ago.


His story highlights what can happen when God’s grace, and viable alternatives to the drug trade invade the inner city.


Ahommed helped launch our 2S Lawn care landscaping business that serves other inner city non-profits, churches and businesses; his hard work and leadership have not only helped grow the business, but have enabled him to provide for his family and even become a homeowner in the community he grew up in!



This year Ahommed joined a local church in West Dallas, and our staff helped him further his desire to be a contributing member of society by securing his drivers license and pay his taxes for the first time ever (both common needs but surprisingly difficult at times to accomplish for most of the at-risk men we work with)! In 2016, he’ll be stepping into a foreman role with 2S Industries as we prepare to scale our social businesses to employ and disciple more at-risk men from Dallas’ poorest neighborhoods. Join us in celebrating all that God’s done in and through Ahommed this year and praying for ever-increasing stories of life change for the guys we serve. 



At the heart of 2ndSaturday's mission is a desire to provide a second chance (or first chance) to those who otherwise would have no legal means of supporting themselves. We come alongside former drug dealers and gang members, and employ them through our landscaping and construction company, 2S Industries.


Our men are afforded the opportunity to earn a living wage while receiving case management services, job skills training, and biblical counsel. They are becoming leaders in the same communities they once exploited.

This year we are overjoyed to celebrate our friends Ahommed, Ray, and Pops, who continue to serve as shining examples of what God can do in the life of any man who chooses to follow Him.


As 2S Industries looks to 2016, we hope to have the opportunity to work with more men and provide more opportunities for life change. 

What's coming for 2S in 2016

2S Homes

We launched 2S Industries several years ago with a former drug dealer, a lawn mower, and a desire to use the creation of sustainable businesses as a pathway out of poverty for our at-risk friends in West and South Dallas.


In conjunction with our partnership with the United Way, this year we’ve been working towards the launch of a new social business to provide additional job/life skills, work experience and income opportunity to men in the inner city.


Starting in 2016, 2S Homes will be a new home renovation and resale business that flips homes and creates a controlled environment to impart invaluable vocational skills and Christian discipleship to former felons, drug dealers and gang members eager for a second chance. Our guys will work alongside skilled contractors and volunteers while being able to earn an income to provide for themselves and their families, all as part of a small business that is intended to sustain itself financially and put out quality, God-glorifying work.


We couldn’t be more excited about the possible impact of this new enterprise, and ask for your prayers as we get started in the first quarter of 2016!


2ndSaturday was started to be a force for community transformation in Dallas’ inner city; our heart is to truly empower the folks we serve, helping them leverage their skills and potential to better their own future. This year we’ve also been working toward formalizing a true process of apprenticeship/discipleship that provides a trajectory for life change and a greater scope of care for the needs our guys’ have.


We’re calling it the 2nd Chance Life Apprenticeship. More details to come!

2S Ellis County

For awhile now, a few church leaders from Ennis have come up on occasion to serve on 2ndSaturday and be a part of what God’s doing; now God has stirred their hearts to start their own 2ndSaturday in Ellis County and we’re blown away at His faithfulness!


As our first “franchise” in another city, 2S Ellis County will be receiving some initial coaching and administrative support, our main intention is to unleash His people unfettered to make an impact for Him in their own backyard.


Pray for new stories of community transformation and for the leadership in Ennis as they build connections with inner city churches and residents and start serving neighborhoods in need each month!

Our favorite images of 2015

2nd August pic
2s48 my fav2

Current & New Staff

Todd Fields

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Todd Fields is the founder and president of 2ndSaturday. After building careers in finance and real estate, his life was forever changed upon meeting a few former felons from West Dallas. Todd grew up in the Pleasant Grove community of Dallas, has a degree in Sociology from the University of Hawaii where he played collegiate basketball (Go 'Bows!), and an MBA in Strategic Leadership. 

Marcus Toussaint

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Near the end of 2014 we brought on Marcus Toussaint to help sharpen and grow our communications, volunteer coordination, grants/funding pipeline and more as Community Relations Director. Marcus brings years of ministry experience and a passion for community development, and is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and Texas A&M.

Mat Tonne

Since the early part of the summer Mat Tonne has been leveraging his skills and experience with us in a part-time capacity, and has been instrumental in helping develop donor strategy and implement new systems, like our new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. Mat has years of development experience from his time at the United Way and UT Arlington, and is a graduate of Texas Tech.

Martin Evans

This month we are excited to bring on Martin Evans to help launch our 2S Homes initiative in 2016. Martin has been around 2ndSaturday since the earliest days as a videographer/photographer; his passion for working with ex-felons and his experience starting businesses make him a great fit for what we plan to do in the coming months and years!

Current Partnerships

2015 New Partners

Mill City Neighborhood Association of Fair Park

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