

shrink XBOX

Filed under: — John G @ 7:52 pm

I recently had the ole xbox modified. I love it.
Dealt with issues tonight of making qwix work(got it!) and will work tomorrow on getting the Xbox Connect up and running.


I went to the shrink again today. Hear is an example of the conversation we had.

shrink: So you’re telling me that every night you suffer going to sleep and everyday you suffer waking up? Right?

me: yeppers.

shrink: You are aveaging about 4 hours a night over the last few months and you’re happy with that?

me: yep.

shrink: Everynight you go to bed you race over the days, and previous days conversations in your head. You have organized and categorized your life into terminal inflection points and focus mostly on these?


shrinkyDink: You have recently been creating “brothers", and weaving them through your history. One of these happens to be an albino and the other has an odd odor?


shrink: man that’s jacked up, I have no recommended treatment.

me: yeah… Thanks for that sense of hope you have instilled in me. Who should I write the check out to?

tonight I ordered christmas gifts for other people.

If you have cable check out I think that in my life I am the communications officer.



Filed under: — John G @ 1:52 pm

So i am just about to go to the bank.
I hate the bank.
I hate my lif.

there is no “e” on life for a reason. Not sure why.
Later I will make up an anecdote that sounds snappy.

I have spent all day writing RAW SQL, which normally I would love, however on this date in december I am finding myself a little lost. I work really hard all day, at a job I am good at, and recognized for. I go home to a lovely wife and home. I drive a somewhat nice car and have all the toys that a normal person would want. Still I am unhappy more than not.

um… just starting at this , blog thing again. Only now I must impersonate myself. Much harder than you think. When I impersonated someone using a fake person/Blog/message book, I had to only “live” up to the standards of belieavability. Well now that I am impersonating my heart and mind the believability goes into the tank, besides that I am filtering most of what could be thought of as interesting and neat. the inner turmoil, the multiple inner monolgues and the urges that are contained within my spirit. I love my XBOX. I have not trusted myself for years.

I was recently at a shrink-type and he told me that anything I tell him will have a professional confidence, IE I can tell him everything. With 2 exceptions, If I am going to knowingly hurt Myself or others. I do this everyday. I asked if I had other crimes that I was planning out could I maybe speak to him about them and not have the professional confidence be broken. he said sure. We talked about robbing a bank.

O well time to go to the bank.

P.S. Quote of the Day:

“You’re in store for a Marty Party.”

Some support guy on the phone to someone who cannot speak english or does not have the good sense to complain.



Filed under: — John G @ 9:26 pm

New blog.

Filed under: — John G @ 9:26 pm

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